Thomas Wilson - Composer


Incunabula 1983 For Piano. 12′
Dream Music 1983 For Guitar Commissioned by Phillip Thorne. Published by Berben. 10′
Cancion 1982 For Guitar. Published by Berben. “Its power of fascination with an audience is magic.” 3′
Coplas Del Ruisenor        1972 For Guitar Commissioned by Angelo Gilardino. Published by Berben. 10′
Three Pieces 1971 For Guitar. Published by Berben. 7′
Soliloquy 1969 For Guitar Commissioned by Glasgow Master Concerts for Julian Bream. Published by Berben. “Thomas Wilson’s Soliloquy provided the evening’s most encouraging moment. Angular and dark-toned, but with a noticeably wider range of gesture than the rest of the programme.” 12′
Sonata 1964 For Piano. “A power of utterance is achieved by an economy of idea and texture typical of this composer..The slow variations near the end of the work were striking in their pureness of sonority. They are sinewy and sensitive, full of colours and phrases and rhythms that compel attention.” 18′
Three Pieces 1964 For Piano. Reverie Tzigane Valse Viennoise 7′
Fantasia 1964 For Cello. 8′
Sonatina MP3 extract (1.9MB) 1956 For Piano. “Clean, lean, and athletic” 8′
Suite for Piano For Piano “Effectively laid out for the keyboard and with contrasting rhythm and not unpleasant harmonic clashes. It held interest for the listeners and performers alike.”
Toccata Festevole For Organ. Commissioned by the Paisley International Organ Festival. 7′
Chanson De Geste For Solo Horn. Commissioned by by Redcliffe Concerts. 11′